Sunday, March 27, 2011


This is my dog Brody. She's coooooool.

Don't judge me.

Friday, March 25, 2011


From January. Had to shoot it twice because the first time the flash didn't sync up to the shutter properly. Pain in my ass I tells ya. So now you know, this is what it looks like when a bunch of young, white people wear tuques (with the exception of Nicole Kim, and Christian Arab). Oh my god, why is practically everyone in the photography program at Ryerson caucasian?? Yikes.

New Look

My blog is different! And hey, I made that banner! Not blogger. Claudia.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I took this! I just found out it was selected to be part of the Function Fundraiser Exhibition at the Steam Whistle Brewery from April 6 to the 29th. Hooray! It also might be on the Steam Whistle website along with my " artist bio".

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ms. Pacman

Ladies and gentlemen: I present to you for your consideration, Ms. Pacman.