Monday, April 6, 2009


I came into my room tonight, only to find this ugly thing on my carpet. Look at it, it has fucking fangs! I wasn't aware that I lived in an African desert. It could have been worse though. Every time I find a spider in my room I thank the universe that it isn't a centipede or centipede related bug. I am terrified of them. Ever want to make me cry and almost pass out? Show me a centipede. (Please don't, I won't like you anymore).

The possible Tarantula I found on the floor of my room. For those who are wondering, yes that is indeed a shag carpet.


Gramma Jones said...

Are you trying to keep me out of your room?

claud-hop said...

The picture makes it look bigger than it actually was... it's gone now, I brought it outside! To freeze, apparently...

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Claudia,

This looks like a normal Ontario spider. Why do you think I used to hate going to the outhouse at my cottage as a child? Filled with these things. In northern Ontario.
As big as a child's hand. Wrong.

The answer in a house is called a vacuum cleaner. Bye Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee.


Love Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

Actually -- the spiders eat the centipedes. But centipedes? Sam solution. The Vacuum cleaner. Bye BYeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Love Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

I mean same solution. Forgive me. I'm tired.

Love Barbara

claud-hop said...

Haha, I thought that you actually meant that Sam gets out the vacuum cleaner and sucks them up, it made me smile because I can picture him doing that. I had no idea that the spiders ate the centipedes, the centipedes are so much bigger than them. But if it's true then I feel a lot better about the other huge spider I just saw crawling on my floor!