Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kittens: Man's other best friend.

If you ever wish to turn somebody into a blubbering idiot, put a kitten in front of them and watch as they magically transform from a normal functioning member of society, into a drooling and babbling fool who can no longer form proper sentences or real words. That is me when I am around Graeme's new kitten Data, his namesake being Lieutenant Commander Data from Star Trek TNG (Data is an android who serves on the USS Enterprise and is the coolest character on the show. A very big responsibility, I imagine). I'm sure you are asking your computer "Claudia, have you always been this big of a nerd (/loser)?" to which the answer would be "yes". I've always been a nerd, just not a Star Trek Nerd. I blame this nerdiness on Graeme, and a tiny bit on my mom who I used to watch the show with when it was still new (Geordie was my favorite character at that time because he was also on Reading Rainbow). But I digress. So my friend Maite gave us one of the kittens that her kitty birthed a few months ago, and he is so very precious. Graeme and I like to give him big smooches and he in turn gives me head massages with his tiny, sharp kitten nails whilst I sleep. Then he bites me with his tiny, sharp kitten teeth and wakes me up. It's a thing we have. Here is Graeme showing Data off, they're the such buds.

Data and Graeme, having a cuddle.

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