Friday, January 22, 2010

A first.

It's late. I can't sleep. I'm tired, but I can't seem to make my brain calm down, which is rare cause there's not always a whole lot going on up there. Nothing profound, at least. The problem: I keep thinking of all these ideas I have for photographs, and my mind is all over the place, mentally putting the props, locations, and poses together at a speed normally reserved for greyhounds chasing a mechanical rabbit. My photo production teacher Robyn, decided this semester that our class should have a by-weekly themed blog, this weeks theme being "hair". I was pretty excited, I had a photo all figured out. It was going to be shot underwater. I hadn't expected the next theme to actually be "water", which threw off the whole plan when she posted the themes for the upcoming weeks (water, injuries, blue, cardboard) and my brain just lost it. "Too many ideas!" it shouted, to which I replied "Pipe down! I'm trying to sleep... Jerk..." Anyways, I've grown bored of writing this post, so I'm going to end it abruptly, without any proper resolution. Goodnight.

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