Monday, January 12, 2009


Bad... BAD drawing of Cedar (she DID come across my blog and insisted I put up the drawing of her). I warned you Cedar. But did you listen? No... no you did not. I miss you though, and I promise that to make up for this atrocity I will draw a far superior picture of you. You shall look glorious... GLORIOUS!

Cedar Eve Peters


Anonymous said...

hahahahaahahahaha!!!oh clauhop you are quite the artist! I love this drawing so much that i decided to set it as my desktop background. yes, i know. I am a lame-o
thinking of you always,
p.s. I am holding you to your word when you say you will draw another portrait of me (it will be GLORIOUS!!)

claud-hop said...

Don't worry my little chuddling, the portrait shall be done, and you are going to look ab. fab.


P.S. Asparagus! Asparagus! You put it on your taaable!

Anonymous said...

oh my little Pudder,
you never cease to make me laugh/ smile. i like this meatball crochet thing. it looks pretty cool' thanks for the pick-a bar. what the hell is pick a bar last night...
xoxo ceed
the magic dance!